Tag Archives: vyriausybė

07:38 PM07:38 PM/07:38 PM

Reply from Ministry of Transport and Communications to Resolution

2013-11-20 rezoliucijos fragmentas

Sorry this article is not available in English yet.

Kaip skelbėme, po 2013 m. lapkričio 20 dieną Lietuvos Respublikos Seime vykusios konferencijos „Viešasis transportas. Situacija ir perspektyvos. Individualaus ir viešojo transporto santykis“ buvo priimta ir išsiųsta Lietuvos Respublikos Ministrui Pirmininkui bei Lietuvos savivaldybių asociacijos Prezidentui rezoliucija (ją galite rasti šiame įraše: 2013-11-20 konferencija. 3 dalis – Rezoliucija).

Jau yra gautas atsakymas iš Lietuvos Respublikos Susisiekimo ministerijos. Skaityti toliau…

03:52 PM03:52 PM/03:52 PM

2013-11-20 Conference. Part 3 – Resolution

2013-11-20 rezoliucijos fragmentasAs we have wrote already, on November 20, 2013, a conference was held in the Lithuanian Parliament which was called “Public transport. Current situation and future prospects. Relation of individual and public transport”. This conference was dedicated to discuss current situation of public transport and possible prospects.

Having dealt with the information which was provided during this event, organizers of the conference have adopted a resolution to Prime Minister of Lithuania and to the President of the Association of Municipalities, which was sent to the addressees on Friday, 6th of December, 2013.

We are announcing the text of the resolution now. All news about the answers to this resolution will be announced on www.troleibusas.lt.

Skaityti toliau…

04:11 PM04:11 PM/04:11 PM

Letter from the Government Representavive

As it was already mentioned, on the 13th of May, 2013 there was a meeting of Vilnius City Council Petitions Commission, where a petition (which was handed 2013-04-26) on Vilnius public transport optimization was discussed. As far as it is known today, in the nearest future a special working group of the city’s management representatives’ will be created, and they will continue to work on the petition. The latest news and decisions will be published here as soon as possible.

These days a letter was received from the Government Representative in Vilnius county, signed by dr. Audrius Skaistys. This letter is published below.

Skaityti toliau…