This post is intended to summarize the information published (and unpublished) on our Facebook page about the celebration of 80 years to trolleybuses in Moscow – to publish all information in one place, and to show how the holidays can be arranged, in addition we might learn something 🙂
80 years ago, on November 15, 1933, first trolleybuses went to the streets of Moscow. Here you can see the poster for this occasion, which tells the story of one of the first trolleybus models – ЯТБ-3. These double decker trolleybuses were working on Gorky Street. Only 10 units of them were made, their height – 4.7 meters, number of passengers – 72 seats and 28 standing places (it was possible to stand only on the first floor). This trolleybus had such technological innovations of those days as ventilation, electric heating, well-equipped interior and even the score board ‘no vacancy’ at the entrance. It’s weight -10.7 tons, maximum speed – 55 km / hour.
Historical footage – the first trolleybuses in Moscow November, 1933 :
Here you can see 24 photos of the Moscow trolleybus, which were made from 1967 to 2013 year: photo gallery
On this occasion, on November16, 2013 in the streets of Moscow there was a solemn parade of old and contemporary trolleybuses, which has been widely advertised in advance, a special track was published, as well as the place where you will be able to see all trolleybuses:
Šia proga 2013 m. lapkričio 16 d. Maskvos gatvėmis šia proga įvyko iškilmingas muziejinių ir šių dienų troleibusų paradas, apie kurį buvo plačiai iš anksto informuojama, skelbiama speciali trasa, nurodomos vietos, kur troleibusus bus galima apžiūrėti: Moscow trolleybus will celebrate it’s 80th anniversary
To celebrate the anniversary exhibition of ten posters was opened. Each poster tells a story about a different trolleybus: An exhibition of posters is opened in the Chistoprudny Boulevard about the history of trolleybuses
The first short video from the trolleybus parade in Moscow:
The second video from the trolleybus parade is more comprehensive: it has impressions from a journalist who is being carried in an old trolleybus, we can also see a crowd of journalists and curious people, also we can listen to the story from a museum worker and ex-driver of trolleybus (source of the video – Trolleybus parade in the center of the capital):
First photo report: Parade of the trolleybuses
Second photo report: Parade of the trolleybuses. 80 years to Moscow trolleybus
Euronews story with the video (in English): Old trolleybuses return to Moscow for 80th anniversary parade Skaityti toliau…