Tag Archives: kontaktinis

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“Fast” roadwork for fast transport

Today, on 14th of May, 2013, during the meeting of the Committee of Services and City services in the Vilnius municipality, a representative of the municipality Kastytis Lubys has expressed dissatisfaction that because of the need to move trolleybus overhead network, works of making the streets wider are going much slower and they are therefore they are much more costly.

We do not have financial estimates how much every stage of these works costs. However, in the photos below you can see an example about the progress of work at the station Minties in Zirmunu street. When the trolleybus network wires and posts were already in their new place a long time ago (the first photo was taken 2013-05-01), road workers within two weeks were only able to make nice asphalt cuts and fill that future piece of road with a broken stone… Oh yes they were also able to bring up a temporary house which is now completely “decorated” by our graffiti “masters”.

So, in this particular example – is the overhead wires (and other parts of trolleybus network) are main obstacles for such roadworks, or if you still want to find someone to blame – maybe you should look for someone guilty somewhere else?